Colleen Kimmett
Colleen Kimmett is a Vancouver-based journalist who writes about food, science and the environment. Her reporting has taken her down the mighty Fraser River, up the Bridge Glacier and across many a farmer's field.
In 2009, Colleen was awarded a fellowship to the Metcalf Institute for Marine and Environmental Reporting, and that same year shared in The Tyee’s prestigious Edward R. Murrow Award for Excellence in Journalism. In 2011, her series on food and farming won a Canadian Online Publishing Award for best online series.
Colleen is currently at work on a book about Sasquatch in British Columbia.
Reporting Beat: Environment, Food, and Farming. Twitter: @colleenkimmett
Stories by Colleen Kimmett
Inside the Hidden, Connected Lives of Trees
Author chronicles a secret world of the woods, and its importance to our lives. See him at upcoming Vancouver Writers Fest.
John Green, 'Mr. Sasquatch,' Leaves Big Shoes to Fill
With his passing this May, the tireless researcher is remembered by a thankful crew of fellow investigators.
Five Things We Can Learn from Brazil's School Meal Program
It spends $1.3 billion a year to feed students and help small farmers. Your move, Canada.
Homeowner? Brace for Flood of Insurance Hikes
As storms rise, so do bills for Ontario cities, citizens. How to keep costs lower.
Why the Critters in Your Backyard Aren't Who They Used to Be
How a warming climate is driving changes to urban ecosystems.
Ed Deak Knew the Meaning of Wealth
His was a life full of ideas, art and memories, shared on Tyee pages since day one.
For Vancouver's Mennonite Maids, Strength in a Shared Home
'Daughters in the City' honours the early wave of immigrant women who helped build our country.
Pharmacists Seek Lobbying Help to Get Paid for More Services
But allotting them a bigger health care role won't necessarily save money, researcher says.
Big Buzz over Pot for Pain Biz
Investors fired up by Canada's new medical marijuana system, but will users get scorched by premium bud?
Libs' Cuts May 'Neuter' BC's Farmland Protector: Advocates
Consultation needed to defend already lean ALR, ALC from cost-slashing public review.
The Summer BC's Woods Roared Back
When trees fell in the forest, the world heard Clayoquot Sound. A look back, 20 years on.
BC, As Explained by Buttons
Did you know Port McNeill boasts the world's largest burl? And more provincial pin wisdoms.
Marathon's Not over for Christy Clark
'Born campaigner' premier still has several hills ahead to climb, as pundits point out.
This Canada Day, Plunge into Summer
Celebrate the start of the hot season with Tyee reader photos of fun on the water.
Could the Raven Mine Swing Comox Valley?
Another riding, this one long Liberal, where a major resource project grips voters and other industries.
Globe's Pro-Coal Insert Gets Election Act Complaints
Elections BC okay with paper's advertorial extolling coal with voter-targeted ad.
The Rise of Independent Power Producers, Explained
They split the enviro vote in 2009, but can they still spark trouble across the province?
Vast Coastal Protection Plan May Hinge on Election
Dropped by feds but kept by BC gov't, process could affect fish farms, ship routes.
Officials 'Need the Pressure' to Raise Welfare Rates: Food Advocates
At Vancouver meeting welfare diet challengers discuss social assistance boost, and as this reporter learned, hunger's hidden cost.
Furtive Steps to Better Hospital Dining
With contracts that favour supplier monopolies, finding ways to get local food on the plate can be awkward. But there's hope.
Why Can't We Know What's in Grandma's Hospital Meal?
Corporate contracts prevent more than mere morsels being revealed, a reporter learns. Second in a series.
Freelancers: Save Time, Make Money!
Streamline your reporting and get priceless efficiency tips at latest Tyee freelance survival event.
Greens and Labour: Make Work Not War!
Split by the carbon tax in last election, 'Green Jobs' helps them find common ground.
Big Step for Big City Farming
SOLEfood's new downtown Vancouver site grows food, jobs and the business case for urban agriculture.
How Grandview Elementary Fills up Student Plates
From farm and garden to desk, one Vancouver school finds success feeding vulnerable kids.
Inside the Washed out Grocery Store
Jesse Whitehead got a taste of vulnerable northern food systems this month, after storms cut off his town's supplies.
How to Nourish Vancouver's Supportive Housing Residents
While providing meals for the 'hard to house' benefits many, it's unclear who might foot the bill. A look at the logistics.
How a Decent Meal Can Keep People from the Brink
Research on people with mental illnesses in Vancouver's Downtown Eastside links better nutrition to fewer 911 calls.
A Night Shift at Jen's Kitchen
Working odd hours, Vancouver's survival sex workers often miss the city's free meals. Enter this roaming delivery service.
Inside the Greater Vancouver Food Bank Machine
What to accept, what to hand out. How the city's vast distribution centre works to feed folks and keep food out of landfills.
The Problem with Food Banks
Hungry people must be fed. But critics say framing food as charity takes the root issues off government's plate.
Freelancers, Perfect Your Pitch
It takes more than a good idea to get an editor's attention. This Thursday, our Freelance Survival panel demystifies the pitching process.
No More Free Meals: A Church Changes Its Approach
Why Calvary Baptist opted to nurture quality of experience over quantity fed.
Learn to Craft Your Own Story
Workshop ideas and gain feedback with The 100-Mile Diet co-author Alisa Smith. Only 13 spots left.
Six Rules of the Cuddle Party
TYEE LIST #5: Wisdoms from a night spent nuzzling others. Skeptics welcome.
Monthly Cost to Feed Family of Four: $868
Too many people in BC can't afford to eat healthily, finds report. Plus: Photo essay shows five ways people pinch food dollars.
Why Can't Vancouver Keep Its Start-ups Here?
Local talent churns out hot new enterprise! If that's such a good story here, why does it keep ending someplace else?
Becoming the Ethical Hunter
Knife in hand, I remember the maxim that brought me to Deadman Valley: if you eat it, you should kill it. At least once.
Glaciers, BC Hydro's Melting 'Batteries'
Scientists are trying to figure out how rising temps will change the alpine run-off that helps power the province.
Idea #9: Slow Down Your Money
Redefine expectations of investment and return, and reap the delicious rewards.
Occupy Vancouver Becomes Big Downtown Eatery
Hundreds of meals a day dished up to all comers as donated food rolls in.
Zeb King, the Transparent Candidate
Can pledging to open up government land him back on Central Saanich city council?
What Can Local Politicians Really Change?
Elections create promises, but city hall can tackle some issues far more powerfully than others.
Doubts Lace Excitement over Vancouver's Local Food Hub
Organizers say New City Market is on track, but others claim farmers' interests are overlooked.
Seminar: Freelancers and Taxes
Learn financial survival skills from a certified public accountant next Tuesday.
Raising My Chicken Monsters
Let others make backyard poultry a political issue. For me, it's been an adventure.
Building Green from the Ground Up
We asked experts how to make true sustainability the norm. Here's what they told us. Last in a Tyee Solutions Society series.
How Many 'Miles-per-Gallon' Does Your House Get?
Home buyers deserve labels revealing future utility costs, say efficient building advocates.
On Nutrition, Canada's Schools Are Out to Lunch
Other nations, even US, are way ahead on school meals programs.
Ralph McRae Wants Your Rotting Veggies
Waste hauling exec is ready to spend big on a 3.5 acre compost operation. But can it pass Lytton's sniff test?
Those Burned by Home Grow-In Try to 'Rise from Ashes'
Undaunted by local food venture's bizarre collapse, farmers and customers rally, rebrand.
Taste the Ultimate Multicultural Potluck Feast
Meeru Dhalwala on the idea, and women, behind 'The Joy of Feeding' this Sunday.
Biggest Free Trade Deal Since NAFTA, Ghost Issue of 2011 Election
Canada is on verge of pact with Europe affecting farmers, local industries. It's invisible on campaign trail.
'Freelance Survival': Get Tips from Successful Journos
April 26 kicks off practical talks on how to make it as a freelance journalist.
Is Your City Too Safe?
Risk-averse municipal managers are smothering civic vitality says Mark Lakeman of City Repair.
Food Now on Plate for All Federal Parties
For the first time national food policies, from GM seeds to school lunches, are part of five parties' platforms.
Greening Homes Can Be Big Boost to Economy
As U.S. programs show, Canada could 'win-win-win' by doing more to help homeowners retrofit.
A Smarter Way to Help You Pay for Greening Your Home
On-bill financing is making energy saving upgrades more affordable in the US. And soon here?
High Profile Local Food Enterprise Goes Bankrupt
Home Grow-In proprietor hasn't been seen; farmers and customers say they're owed money.
Now Look Who's Big on Buying Local
A major BC union launches its 'Ten Percent Shift Campaign', joining a diverse movement supporting the local economy.
In BC's Heartland, Healthy Food Can Be Scarce
'Food deserts' blight some rural areas of the province. How to make them bloom with nutrition?
Building Jobs By Tearing Down Houses the Green Way
Vancouver aims to boost a new employment sector: recycling buildings.
Idea #4: Create a Local Food Bill
Emulate Illinois and pass a Local Food, Farms and Jobs Act. Wannabe party leaders, take note!
Secrets to Supporting Local Food
What the Tyee Solutions team learned in BC and Ontario while reporting this fall's 'Growing the Local Bounty' series.
Building up the 'Grain Chain'
Local farmers are giving antique machines new life to help supply a growing demand for BC wheat.
How Bulk Buyers Can Save Local Farmers
Local Food Plus gets institutions with big food budgets to go local and sustainable, and that can really pay off.
Farmers Harvesting the Sun's Rays
Make conditions right, and renewable energy could become a profitable crop for food growers across Canada.
Organic egg producers in BC say regulations 'gone haywire' prevent them from keeping up with hungry local demand.
A Nursery For New Farmers
At the McVean Incubator Farm, a little land goes a long way for people who want to get in the business of growing local food.
Packed With Opportunities
How small farmers are turning their crops into tasty products without relying on the big global processors.
Better Than a Food Bank
The Stop in Toronto has evolved into a dignified model connecting local producers with low-income eaters.
Mmmm, Made in BC?
Invest more to promote local food within province, farm industry urges government.
The Little Local Food Connector That Could
How Home Grow-In plays a key role by helping nearby farmers find Vancouver customers.
How Mennonites Are Modernizing a Local Food Economy
Volume, variety, reliability. Welcome to the Elmira Produce Auction Co-operative.
A Tale of Two Farmlands
Growing the local bounty in Ontario and BC, a new series that goes to the roots of sustainable solutions.
Ten Ingredients for a Healthy Local Food Economy
Panel of experts teams with audience to create recipe for sustainability. Please add your own.
King of Poop Power
A farmer in Abbotsford will turn manure, lots of it, into a natural gas substitute. It's a first in BC, and the pioneer smells Canada-wide success.
Is BC Ready for Smart Meters?
BC Hydro is preparing to roll out smart meters in every home. The tech industry is ready to jump on board, but are government and citizens prepared?
Here Comes the 'Smart Grid' Way to Save Power
The US is investing billions in a wired feedback loop telling consumers how to be electricity misers. A BC firm is on the cutting edge.
BC Charts a 'Clean Tech' Future, but Is the Map Right?
Too many mega-projects, say some experts, who see big gains from lower-impact, local community projects.
He's Paving the Way for Electric Cars
Vancouver-raised Ron Chung is readying Hong Kong for a new revolution.
Inside the 'Phantom Galleries' of the Downtown Eastside
Behind unmarked storefronts lies a vibrant art scene. How to find what's on display during the Olympics.
Idea #9: Love the Rain
Or, at least learn to appreciate it. As demand increases, municipalities across the province are looking for ways to conserve our clean water supply. A big part of that is making better use of what falls from the sky.
Idea #5: Living Christmas Trees
How two B.C. companies are giving trees a life after Christmas (and turning a profit, too) renting potted evergreens.
How Science Blew the 'Climategate' Attack
Global warming is still fact, but a bumbling response helped deniers cloud the public's understanding.
Sustainable, but Too Small?
Demand for eco-certified wood is growing worldwide. Small-scale foresters want in, but need to be creative.
First Nation Takes Lead on Solar Power
T'Sou-ke project models energy autonomy for other BC Aboriginal communities.
Pricing Nature to Save It
Just some of what Canada's Boreal Forest does is said to be worth $77 billion.
'Slow Death by Rubber Duck'
Co-author Bruce Lourie on the chemical 'marinade' we share, his experiment in self-poisoning, and more.
Libs' River Power Push: Dangers, but Little Data
Experts, local officials want brakes put on big Bute Inlet run of river project.
Hanging out with Greens in Suits
Candidate Kettlewell's pitch to a rising class of young, urban, sustainability-techies.
Which Party Is More Green? Grades Aren't Posted
Sierra Club, Suzuki, others haven't issued platform report cards, so we asked.
Can the 100-Mile Diet Reach a Million TV Viewers?
Co-creator Alisa Smith on the new show, and what's next.
BC's Clashing Shades of Green
How 'run of river' and global warming are splitting enviros this election.
The Coming Co-op Crunch
As funds dry up and buildings run down, residents don't want to give up on their affordable way of living.
How an Alberta Economist Counsels Victims of Bernie Madoff
Mark Anielski's guide to 'genuine wealth' gains a new audience.
Map Scopes Region's Power Future
Plans for BC, Alberta and eleven states to produce and export renewable energy.
Should You Stop Eating Salmon?
Yes, says a top UBC scientist. 'Smart shopping' isn't saving wild stocks.
'Heart and Soul of the Province'
Paddling into the Lower Fraser, a magnet for wildlife and humans. Last in a series.
A Fraser Full of Fish No More?
All of BC has a stake in better managing once massive salmon runs. Third in a series.
The Fraser's Fragile Forests
Near the headwaters of BC's vast watershed, how to place a value on ancient trees? Second in a series.
The Fate of the Fraser
Exploring BC's future by journeying the length of its mightiest river. First in a series.
Do Salmon Hatcheries Work?
Millions of eggs plus so much human good will. Does it add up to more fish?
Voting for Lights and Heat
High energy costs, tightening family budgets. Who's making the election connection?
James Glave, Green Guy Next Door
Author of 'Almost Green' on why DIY skills, dense communities, and maybe women, are kinder to the planet.
BC's Blind Eye to Sun, Wind Power
Province lags as other places pay top dollar to promote range of renewable power.
'Green Your Campbell Cash' Draws Big Response
More than 50 'cool' projects seek votes, support, with weeks still to go.
Let Us Control Our Fates Say Timber Towns
'Community forests' vie with big firms for BC's wood profits.
Skimpier Schools to Replace Heritage Buildings?
Wrong approach to quake-proofing say Vancouver parents.
Burn Trees to Light Homes?
Europe imports BC wood pellets to create 'bioenergy.' Here, it's not so easy.
A Whale of a Love Affair
The irresistible, but blinding, charm of cetaceans.
Strong Bonds in Telegraph Creek
A photographer soaks up some Tahltan hospitality.
'BC's Hinterlands Are Opened Up for Business'
River power projects bring roads, people, wildlife threats.
Local Power Key to Fighting Global Warming: Poll
Municipal officials have citizens' trust, but lack money.
As Killings by Police Mount, a Call for Independent Probes
Ontario's unit needed in BC say advocates.