Reporters search out made-in-B.C. technology with potential to make a serious dent in global warming. We investigate which policies are helping or holding back such innovations, what it would take for B.C. to further develop a cluster of cool tech businesses, and which firms rise above greenwashing to truly earn a green label. The research and reporting for this occasional series, produced by the non-profit Tyee Solutions Society, is made possible with support from the Bullitt Foundation.
In This Series
BC Charts a 'Clean Tech' Future, but Is the Map Right?
Too many mega-projects, say some experts, who see big gains from lower-impact, local community projects.
Here Comes the 'Smart Grid' Way to Save Power
The US is investing billions in a wired feedback loop telling consumers how to be electricity misers. A BC firm is on the cutting edge.
Is BC Ready for Smart Meters?
BC Hydro is preparing to roll out smart meters in every home. The tech industry is ready to jump on board, but are government and citizens prepared?
Out With The Old Engine, In With The New
How an East Vancouver start-up is transforming gas-guzzlers to pure electric.
Geothermal Just Got Hotter
Kelowna firm's tech makes it easier for old buildings to tap the Earth for heating and cooling.
Turning Waste Wood into Gas-Fueled Energy
Nexterra claims its UBC and Victoria projects mark the cutting edge against climate change. Not everyone measures the benefits the same.
King of Poop Power
A farmer in Abbotsford will turn manure, lots of it, into a natural gas substitute. It's a first in BC, and the pioneer smells Canada-wide success.
Green You Can Use, at Vancouver's Olympic Village
We scoured the billion dollar project for practical solutions ready for wider use in an era of global warming.
Breeding Trees to Be Better Biofuel
Thanks to a gene mapping breakthrough, producing ethanol is going to be cheaper and easier in BC. Latest in Tyee's Cool Tech series.