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Exploring the Fate of the Fraser River

Exploring the Fate of the Fraser River

A Tyee reporter paddles from source to sea, a journey that teaches how the mighty watershed is central to the future of nature and humans in British Columbia.

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In This Series

The Fate of the Fraser

The Fate of the Fraser

Exploring BC's future by journeying the length of its mightiest river. First in a series.

Colleen Kimmett / 19 Nov 2008

The Fraser's Fragile Forests

The Fraser's Fragile Forests

Near the headwaters of BC's vast watershed, how to place a value on ancient trees? Second in a series.

Colleen Kimmett / 26 Nov 2008

A Fraser Full of Fish No More?

A Fraser Full of Fish No More?

All of BC has a stake in better managing once massive salmon runs. Third in a series.

Colleen Kimmett / 3 Dec 2008

'Heart and Soul of the Province'

'Heart and Soul of the Province'

Paddling into the Lower Fraser, a magnet for wildlife and humans. Last in a series.

Colleen Kimmett / 10 Dec 2008