Ten powerful ideas, big and small, for the new year. Over the next two weeks, enjoy this latest edition of The Tyee's popular annual series highlighting creative thinking that could lead to improving our lives and communities. We're publishing a new one every day starting Dec. 20 and finishing Dec. 31, 2010.
In This Series
Idea #1: The Green Hawks Are Coming
Who's super serious about renewable energy and repelling climate change? The US military, of all people.
Idea #2: Higher Ed Reaches the Tech Tipping Point
No longer will technology be treated as just a complement, rather than replacement, for traditional educational materials.
Idea #3: Let's You and Me Transform the CBC
Canada's public broadcaster says it wants public involvement. We should take them seriously, and get active.
Idea #4: Create a Local Food Bill
Emulate Illinois and pass a Local Food, Farms and Jobs Act. Wannabe party leaders, take note!
Idea #5: A New Grub Street for Vancouver
And a real Tin Pan Alley, too. Let's act to foster scruffy zones of creativity.
Idea #6: Harm Reduction Moving Mainstream
Now that the US allows federal funds for needle exchanges, Vancouver's drug user health approach sets a bold example.
Idea #8: A Train for Canada's Birthday
A really fast one. Oh, and leaders with vision. Not managers with a mean streak.
Idea #9: Nanocellulose, the Next Big Wood Product
Will invisible fibers help rescue BC's disappearing mill towns?
Idea #10: We've Entered the Age of Energy-Intensive Oil
Exploiting new big reserves like the oil sands will create far more greenhouse gasses per barrel. Let's face that.