Ben Shingler
Ben Shingler writes regularly about online media for The Tyee.
Stories by Ben Shingler
Can You Believe Your Eyes?
Online vids capture moments of high drama but sometimes miss the bigger picture.
YouTubing Ourselves to Death
You have the power to change history. But first, check out this really cute baby video!
Obama Faces Digital Destruction
What's killing his health reform? False spin by video, blogging and cable news.
BC Teen Smacks Down 50 Cent
And gets invited to the rapper's Manhattan apartment, proving YouTube the great equalizer.
'Trimming the Bush to Make the Tree Look Taller'
How razor companies are exploiting male insecurities online to push product.
Obama 'Destroying' Savings
VIDEO: This from the same CNBC pundits that claimed 'Bear Stearns is fine!' So why are their ratings up?
This Is Your Eight-Year-Old on Drugs
VIDEO: Parents are putting videos of stoned children online. Is it funny?
Dancing in the Streets for Cell Phones
VIDEO: Ad agencies turn flash-mobbing on head to harness Net's viral power.
Online Music Jams, the Next YouTube Trend?
They might just make good on the Net's promise to connect us.
YouTube Shines Light on Dirty Politics
How video vigilantes are outing whisper campaigns in US presidential campaign.
Why Online Funnies Have Taken Over from Print
Simon's Cat, Western Spaghetti, two creative masterpieces.