Jeff Nield
Jeff Nield, was born and raised in Calgary, AB. He spent 15 years living in Vancouver, and now resides in Nelson, BC, with his wife and two young sons.
One fateful Sunday in the mid-1990s, Jeff decided to go vegan. This change came after a lifetime of picky eating that, for the most part, excluded veggies. Thus began his exploration of food systems, which evolved to include jobs on the farm, in restaurants, behind the wheel of the grocery delivery van, in the produce warehouse, and at British Columbia's FarmFolk/CityFolk Society.
Jeff's work is motivated by his desire to help people understand where their food comes from and how, through food systems, they're interconnected with everyone and everything. While food remains his main focus, Jeff now writes about a wide variety of topics from his home in Nelson. He has forsaken the vegan lifestyle and will now eat pretty much anything you set in front of him.
Reporting Beat: Food, agriculture, and sustainability.
Twitter: @jeffwnield
Stories by Jeff Nield
This Jar of Local Goodies Brought to You by 'Co-opetition'
How BC food producers are building up a processing industry based on sharing.
'Farmpreneurs' Grow the Bounty
Investing in small-scale processing on the farm can make a big difference in its bottom line.
Farmlands on the Brink
The fight over a farm in Delta raises the question of whether protecting agricultural land is a matter of all or none.
Welcome to Farm School
A new generation of farmers is digging into books before they go out in the field.
Plenty of Local Food, Few Local Food Products
To help change that, BC producers are pressing for a local food technology centre to help bring local products to market.
In Vancouver, a 'Crown Jewel' of Local Food Is in the Works
Here comes the New City Market, reviving this city's historic 'food hub' of a century ago.
BC's New Wheat Kings
Marquis wheat, a great Canadian invention, was bred in BC but vanished here. Until now.
'Eat Your History' Asks You to Join in!
Please be part of our project by nominating a food to research. You might win a prize.