Bill Metcalfe
Stories by Bill Metcalfe
Feds Intervene in Lemon Creek Fuel Spill Prosecution
Ahead of court date announcing details, enviro lawyer sees new gov't 'talking the right talk.'
Jumbo Ski Resort Running Out of Time
Deadline for Kootenay megaproject looms, and company still has work to do, critics say.
High School Jazz Cats Get a Radical Awakening
At annual Vancouver fest, top student musicians vie to play in a cutting-edge tradition.
How a Wild Electronic Music Fest Won over Its Small-Town Host
Shambhala spreads its creative roots to neighbours Nelson and Salmo.
Empty Ski Resort Town Wants More of BC's Cash
With Jumbo project delayed, council needs $1 million over five years to prop up its resident-less town.
Ed Natyshak, BC's Toughest Fitness Coach
How a young man turned a terrible accident into an inspiring life in the west.
In Nelson, Local Food Co-op Becomes Bigtime Developer
High hopes for Kootenay Co-op's $23-million plan to remake a prime city block.
Has 'Local' Food Gone Too Far?
Kootenay Co-op pushes back on feds' definition of local with its own marketing campaign.
A Jumbo Summer Ahead?
Opposition continues to dog the resort town with no residents, while the coming BC election raises stakes.
Got Beef with the Mayor? Facebook 'Em!
The town hall goes digital as local BC leaders debate and relate to constituents over social media.
Remember Rachel Webber, Girl of Johnsons Landing
When she died this summer in a landslide, along with her sister and father, she left behind a close circle of friends. How they coped, in their words.
'Keep the Beat': A Youth-Driven Success Story
How teen girls in Nelson invented and run a great music fest that raises thousands for war children.
What Happened in Johnsons Landing?
Greg Utzig, whose cabin was spared, recalls the day as both a local and a landslide expert.
Jumbo-friendly Bill Creates Municipality Without Residents
Kootenay area politicians angrily scratching their heads.
Jumbo Ski Resort Carves New Legal Tracks
$450 million East Kootenay project could be a 'municipality' before it gets a single resident.
Is Nelson’s World Enough?
Not everyone believes the “creative class” can sustain the Kootenay city, where union jobs and traditional industries are waning.
Big Local Opposition to Jumbo Given Puny Weight
Citizens rallying against developments don’t count for much in official decision-making, indicates a key government report recommending the Jumbo resort project.
Monumental Lessons in Nelson
The draft dodger memorial flap, and what my town learned about war, peace, art and (some) Americans.
Killing a 'Nuisance' Bear
The shot bear that died in front of a Kaslo jazz fest crowd is unusual only for its audience. How much room do we owe wild animals?