Kim Pollock
Stories by Kim Pollock
Forest Firms Love the HST? Why?
Timber companies keep getting bigger tax breaks, yet put less and less into BC. The HST won't turn that around.
Campbell's Tax Cuts Failed to Work
Jobs and investment were supposed to flow, but didn't. Biggest loser: our wrecked forest economy.
Canada's Corporations Aren't Investing in You
Their zooming profits are ending up overseas instead of creating jobs here.
Reclaiming the Promise of BC
Leaders brag about our quality of life while their policies erode it. Last in a series: 'BC's Broken Economy.'
BC's Rich and Poor: A Gap Pried Wider
Government fostered the divide. Now it reaps expensive social woes. Third of four on 'BC's Broken Economy.'
How We Sawed off Our Forest Industry
Bad policies fuelled the collapse of timber jobs. Rural BC took the big hit. Second of four.
How Did BC's Economy Get This Bad?
Well before the global downturn, we were failing by two key measures. First in a four-part series.
How We Really Grow Our Economy
A steelworkers’ perspective: Let’s make B.C. attractive to investors without making it unattractive to British Columbians.