Mel Hurtig
Mel Hurtig is the National Chairman of the Committee for an Independent Canada and is the founder and former Chairman of the Council of Canadians. Among his many bestselling books is Rushing to Armageddon: The Shocking Truth About Canada, Missile Defence and Star Wars.
Stories by Mel Hurtig
How Harper Put Canada Massively in the Red
He ate up a huge federal surplus, piled up six deficits. This PM wants to run on fiscal smarts? Last in series.
Eight Ways the Harper Economy Is a Bust
These reality check truths are bound to dog Tories on election trail. Fourth in a series.
Stephen Harper, Jobs Killer
When Tories brag about 'their' economy, pull up these grim unemployment facts. Third in a series.
Harper Shrugs as Foreigners Snap up Canadian-Owned Companies
PM waves goodbye to home-grown successes that should anchor economy. Second in a series.
Busting Harper's Favourite Myth: He's Been Hell on Canada's Economy
Canada got less competitive under Tories. And more tough truths from Mel Hurtig's new book. First excerpt in a series.
Our Sovereignty Secretly at Risk
Biggest voter issue off media's radar? Canada's stealthy 'integration' with US.
Canada's Nuclear Do or Die
Apocalypse looms unless we take the lead against proliferation.
Arming the Heavens
Why we must oppose US weapons in space.