Mark Leier
Born in Ladner, B.C., Mark Leier teaches labour history at Simon Fraser University. Before landing his current position, he worked for several years at a number of jobs, including bridge tender, short order cook, dishwasher, construction labourer, printer, folk singer, and first aid attendant. He received his Ph.D from Memorial University of Newfoundland in 1992, and signed on with SFU in 1994. He is the author of multiple books: Bakunin: The Creative Passion was published in paperback in 2009, and Rebel Life: The Life and Times of Robert Gosden, Revolutionary, Mystic, Labour Spy was published by New Star Books in 2013.
Reporting beat: Labour and history
Personal website: SFU
Stories by Mark Leier
‘Viking Economics’ Suggests Next Steps in Fight Against Capitalism
Activist George Lakey appraises Scandinavia in new lefty vision for the future.
‘To Hell with the Boss!’ A Labour Radical’s Own Story
Sample a powerful page from the new graphic history ‘Drawn to Change.’ And meet BC’s Bill Williamson, one tough working class hero.
To Praise Ginger Goodwin Is to Revere a Radical
Feisty miner reminds that comfortable compromisers are easily forgotten.
Learning from Canada's Boxcar Trekkers of 1935
Rising against crushing inequality, 'On to Ottawa' protest swept out of the West.
Labour Day's Radical Roots
The takeaway from this stat holiday? It takes street-level action to bring about change.
Is Labour Day 'Softer' than May Day?
The real workers' holiday is May 1, say radicals, but history is more complicated.
Money, Blood and Why Today's Vampire Revival Sucks
Once symbols of rich parasites feeding off labour, Dracula's ilk became sexy. Beware.
Labour Day's Feisty Origins
Workers created the holiday to signal their strength. We can't take their victories for granted.