Charley Beresford
Charley has worked with multiple public and private sector organizations focused on community development. As a Victoria School Board Trustee from 1996 through 2008, she successfully campaigned to save provincially-funded Inner City School Funds and led the development of a ground breaking anti-homophobia action plan and anti-discrimination policy. Charley has been involved with with community organizations including the Green Economy Network, SPARC BC, BC Recreation and Parks Association, Big Sisters, The Canadian Mental Health Association, and the Therapeutic Riding Association of BC. She is currently the executive director of the Columbia Institute.
Reporting beat: Community development, sustainability, and the environment.
Connection to B.C.: Charley grew up in a small Saskatchewan town, and came to British Columbia to study at Malaspina College (now Vancouver Island University). Her father used to insist that their hometown was a "hamlet," which gives some idea of the size. As a result, Charley understands the importance and strength of communities that work together to achieve a high quality of life for their residents. Currently, she's a resident of both Vancouver and Victoria, and divides her time between the two.
Twitter: @CBColumbia
Personal website:
Stories by Charley Beresford
Like London and Paris, Sooke BC Is Voting Privatization Out of Style
Why municipal governments around the world are bringing services back in house.
How Downloaded Costs Are Steamrolling Local Governments
Tallying the $4 billion crush caused by feds, province, and what to do about it.
Pity the City, Forced to Do More with Less
Saddled with more responsibility, local governments have been shortchanged billions.
Don't Exclude Cities from Canada's Energy Plan
On slashing emissions, many municipalities are already trailblazers. Bring 'em to the table!
More Leaked Documents Rip Lid off CETA Giveaways
Exposed European Union demands show Canadians' local authority, labour and enviro protections are at risk.
This Saturday, Occupy the Ballot Box
Living wage, climate change action, cost of living. British Columbians care, so why don't they vote?
Municipalities Need Resources, Not Auditor
BC's cities and towns face downloaded costs, infrastructure needs and shrinking rural economies.
Wild Weather Hammers Home Case for Green Jobs
And city governments are innovating ways to finance the sector's growth.