Robert Bateman
Robert Bateman's paintings are in many public and private collections, and several art museums. Bateman's many one-man museum shows throughout North America include a recent exhibition at the Smithsonian Institution in Washington, D.C. Recently, the retrospective show The Art of Robert Bateman toured Canada and the U.S. for two years, and a one-man show toured four cities in Russia. Books about his life and art have had sales of over 1,000,000 copies. He founded The Robert Bateman Centre on the Inner Harbour of Victoria, B.C., and the Bateman Foundation, which seeks to reconnect people to the world of nature.
Stories by Robert Bateman
Bursting Our Petroleum Power Bubble
Humankind's mess stems from a lack of meaningful, sustainable work, says painter Robert Bateman.
Say Thanks to a Dandelion
And other words of advice from the master painter of wildlife, Robert Bateman.