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The Hook: Political news, freshly caught

'We didn’t split the vote, we are the vote': Weaver

A jubilant Andrew Weaver told a packed room of Green supporters that "tonight we’ve made history" after winning the party’s first ever seat in B.C.

"We didn’t split the vote," he said, flanked by family, his campaign team and two large bundles of green balloons. "We are the vote."

Weaver said his win "was only made possible" by Green MP Elizabeth May’s historic win in the 2011 federal election.

The star candidate wasted no time taking shots at Christy Clark’s Liberal government, which defied months of poll predictions by winning the B.C. election Tuesday evening.

"Pipe-dream economics," is how Weaver referred to the party’s ardent support for liquefied natural gas.

Weaver told reporters after his victory speech he was "absolutely shocked" by the election night performance of Adrian Dix’s NDP.

"This was their election to lose, and apparently they’ve done [it]," he said.

Nearby, a supporter declared: "This is the place to be tonight."

Green leader Jane Sterk lost her bid to replace the NDP’s Carole James in the riding of Victoria-Beacon Hill.

Sterk recently told media she’d step aside as leader if she didn’t win a seat. But Weaver said he will continue serving under her leadership "for many months to come."

Weaver will make a "tremendous MLA," Sterk said Tuesday evening.

Geoff Dembicki reports for The Tyee.

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