B.C. teachers are still unhappy about the Foundation Skills Assessment tests, but they’re obeying the Labour Relations Board order to administer the FSA.
In a news release on its site, the BCTF says:
BC Teachers have decided, in a province-wide vote, to support the recommendation of the BCTF Executive Committee that teachers comply, under protest, with the order of the Labour Relations Board.
The vote was 83% in favour with 10,276 voting Yes and 2,097 voting No. The BCTF will cease and desist from advising members not to administer the Foundation Skills Assessment test.
BCTF President Irene Lanzinger says teachers will continue to campaign against the FSA tests:
“Even though the FSAs are going ahead, we cannot in good conscience recommend that any parent support the administration of the FSA to their child. We recommend to parents that they write a letter to the principal requesting that their child be exempted from FSA testing.”
Crawford Kilian is a contributing editor of The Tyee.
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