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Tax Backlash

"They're going to tax my French fries."

That's how Grade 6 student Harmony Forseth simplified the provincial government's plan to harmonize the PST and GST into a single 12 per cent tax.

Her voice of reason was joined by about 50 people who shouted down the combined tax at a rally in opposition to the HST in Burnaby yesterday.

Current PST-exempt goods and services, such as safety helmets, smoke detectors, restaurant meals and school supplies, will be subject to the full weight of the tax when it's implemented next year.

"Hardworking British Columbians are going to be paying more, plain and simple," James said at the rally. "If there isn't a seven per cent PST on items now there will be that additional cost come July 1."

James is asking concerned citizens to sign a petition against implementing the tax plan.

Premier Gordon Campbell contends combining the five per cent GST and seven per cent PST into a single consumption tax would create jobs, increase foreign investment and enhance competitiveness by allowing businesses to deduct the 12-per-cent tax they pay on inputs rather than only the GST.

James poked holes in Campbell's trickle-down theory.

"I don't think you're going to see anyone say, 'Oh, I'm able to save a little bit of administrative money so therefore I'm going to pass those savings on,' " she said.

24 hours' columnist Bill Tieleman has started a "No BC HST" group on Facebook. It has 16,000 members in six days.

Dharm Makwana reports for Vancouver 24 hours

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