This week, The Tyee asked readers to test their knowledge of Bill C-13 by labeling the following statement true or false:
"If Bill C-13 passes, Rob Ford could soon access your personal online data."
The correct answer, as reported by the National Post, was "true." The legislation is a "wide-ranging new federal bill that will allow Internet and cellphone providers to hand over your personal data without a warrant" to any public or peace officer, including tax agents, sheriffs, reeves, justices of the peace, CSIS agents, "and even, yes, mayors."
Roughly 80 per cent of respondents answered correctly, adding comments that ranged from the humourous:
"That way Rob can find out where all the really good parties are."
"Could I have access to his?"
To the deeply concerned:
"Intrusive gov't spying of everyone for everything -- the only solution may be to unplug. Might be a refreshing change."
"Some of us do have a little control of how we distribute information, including what we present to the government. I'm afraid though that very few people can, do, or want to learn, how to do that. In any case, surveillance is bad and no one can be totally invisible. The bottom line is that the answer to the poll is, sadly, 'yes.' As usual, it's the people vs. the government. We the people need to 'take up arms' in the sense that we need to control our own information and not just trust blindly. The good news is that government IT is incompetent -- just like the other departments."
And at least one respondent found fault with the question singling out Ford instead of someone closer to home:
"What a dumb statement to make. If Rob Ford had access to it, so could Adrian Dix or Bill Vander Zalm."
The Tyee Poll is not a scientific poll, but rather is intended to simply get the pulse of Tyee readers and the wider community.
Ian Holliday is completing a practicum at The Tyee.
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