Brian Preston
Too Many Georges, says author Preston, "Started out as a rant about how powerful families have taken over the politics of America. Yeah, Paul Martin is heir to power and fame, too. But somehow the elevation of Dubya is even harder to take for a Canadian. The American president is leader of the world, but we don't get any say in it, and we just watch these other people voting for the worst possible candidate. I mean, Bush likes to brag: 'I'm proof that a C student can become president.'"
But the deeper he got into writing his political satire, says Preston, the more it became a chiding of disengaged Canadians like himself, as well. "Dalton is essentially me on some level, with so much alienation from mainsteam politics that there's not even a point of entry. I mean, I thought about getting involved in this last election, but I couldn't face the meetings."
Anthropologist of cannabis
Preston's recent book Pot Planet, a non-fiction tour of the world-wide marijuana trade and culture, received raves from, The New Yorker and others, and sold particularly well in the United Kingdom, where globe trotting is more a rite of passage for youth.
The wandering Preston now says he's settling down in Victoria "for good." Recently married, he likes the idea of raising children there, and wants to be close to his parents in their golden years. One small problem: "Trying to figure out how to make a living in Victoria." He's thinking about working as a letter carrier … at least until Too Many Georges lands the big Hollywood deal.
In the meantime, enjoy the unfolding of Too Many Georges every Monday, Wednesday and Friday over the next twelve weeks.
Stories by Brian Preston
Our Southern Resident Orcas are Headed for Extinction
The most studied, celebrated and beloved killer whale population in the world is doomed unless dramatic action is taken to rebuild its food supply.