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Some Honourable Members

Some Honourable Members

With hundreds of legislative contenders competing in our quadrennial Democratic Games, the Tyee wishes to offer a series of vignettes depicting some of the more dubious moments in B.C.'s political past.

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In This Series

The Day a Legislator Tried to Do Away with Sex

The Day a Legislator Tried to Do Away with Sex

Socred Agnes Kripps hated 'that nasty little three-letter word.' First of 'Some Honourable Members,' our new daily series.

Tom Barrett / 16 Apr 2013

The Liberal Love Birds Who Crashed

The Liberal Love Birds Who Crashed

Gordon Wilson and Judi Tyabji left their spouses, then their party. Latest in our BC scandals series.

Tom Hawthorn / 17 Apr 2013

The BC Premier Who Loved the Universe

The BC Premier Who Loved the Universe

When he wasn't drunkenly clubbing foes. Third in our series 'Some Honourable Members.'

Tom Barrett / 18 Apr 2013

The Night of the Dancing Penis

The Night of the Dancing Penis

Seemed like a good idea at the time. Latest in Tyee's political scandal a day series.

Tom Hawthorn / 19 Apr 2013

The BC Mega-Project Dream that Dwarfed All Others

The BC Mega-Project Dream that Dwarfed All Others

Wacky Bennett's monorail-mania. Latest in our look-back series 'Some Honourable Members'.

Tom Barrett / 22 Apr 2013

The Premier Who Drove Plastered in Paradise

The Premier Who Drove Plastered in Paradise

Gordon Campbell went in the tank. Latest in our 'Some Honourable Members' series.

Tom Hawthorn / 23 Apr 2013

The Labour Minister Whose Visa Card Was X-Rated

The Labour Minister Whose Visa Card Was X-Rated

Socred Bob McClelland paid the price. Our series of dubious BC political moments continues.

Tom Barrett / 24 Apr 2013

The NDP Stalwart Who Skimmed from Charities

The NDP Stalwart Who Skimmed from Charities

Under the B, Bingogate. Latest in our 'Some Honourable Members' series.

Tom Hawthorn / 25 Apr 2013

The First MLA Physically Thrown from the Legislature

The First MLA Physically Thrown from the Legislature

Who was it? And why doesn't this happen more often? 'Some Honourable Members' gets rowdy.

Tom Barrett / 26 Apr 2013

The Liberal 'Quick Wins' that Were Anything But

The Liberal 'Quick Wins' that Were Anything But

'Ethnicgate' made many losers. Tenth in our series on BC political scandals.

Tom Hawthorn / 29 Apr 2013

The 'Honest Bob' Who Was Jailed for Bribery

The 'Honest Bob' Who Was Jailed for Bribery

Socred minister slipped on a rug. Latest in our 'Some Honourable Members' series.

Tom Barrett / 30 Apr 2013

The Socred Named Slapsy's Hapless Defeat

The Socred Named Slapsy's Hapless Defeat

How the man tasked with rejuvenating the party went down in sad flames. Latest in 'Some Honourable Members.'

Tom Hawthorn / 1 May 2013

The Egged Premier Who Scrambled, and Won

The Egged Premier Who Scrambled, and Won

Bill Bennett's worst birthday. Latest in our snapshots of BC political history.

Tom Barrett / 2 May 2013

The Liberal Who Failed to Self-Edit

The Liberal Who Failed to Self-Edit

'KootenayBill' Bennett shot from both hips. Our latest 'Honourable Member'.

Tom Hawthorn / 3 May 2013

The Booted Minister Who Became a Great Chief

The Booted Minister Who Became a Great Chief

Frank Calder's legacy far eclipsed a night in jail. Latest of 'Some Honourable Members.'

Tom Barrett / 6 May 2013

The Lightning Rod Who Was a Pit Bull

The Lightning Rod Who Was a Pit Bull

New Dem Moe Sihota kept the press hopping. Latest in our 'Some Honourable Members' series.

Tom Hawthorn / 7 May 2013

When 'Fisticuffs Ensued' in BC's Legislature

When 'Fisticuffs Ensued' in BC's Legislature

Fighting Joe Martin and his MLA ilk. Latest in our 'Some Honourable Members' series.

Tom Barrett / 8 May 2013

The Day the Mounties Raided the Legislature

The Day the Mounties Raided the Legislature

Mystery still shrouds BC Rail scandal. Latest in our political history series.

Tom Hawthorn / 9 May 2013

The MLA Who Expensed Milk in Tight Times

The MLA Who Expensed Milk in Tight Times

And luxury resort stays, and non-existent dinners... latest in 'Some Honourable Members.'

Tom Barrett / 10 May 2013

The Deck that Collapsed a Premier

The Deck that Collapsed a Premier

Glen Clark's neighbourly 'act of folly.' Latest of 'Some Honourable Members' series.

Tom Hawthorn / 13 May 2013

The Premier Who Was a Reporter's 'Fantasy'

The Premier Who Was a Reporter's 'Fantasy'

No one sprouted weird headlines like the Zalm. Last in our series.

Tom Barrett / 14 May 2013