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Tyee Poll: Should John Horgan Aim for a Gender-Balanced Cabinet?

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau made Canadian history in 2015 with Canada’s first gender-balanced cabinet.

Women held 12 out of 39 posts when the Harper Conservatives were in power. Trudeau’s cabinet, on the other hand, had women in 15 of 31 posts.

When asked why this parity was important to him, Trudeau gave his famous reply: “Because it’s 2015.”

Christy Clark’s BC Liberal government had women in nine of 22 cabinet posts before it fell last month in a vote of no confidence.

We scanned some other B.C. boards and commissions to see how they do on gender equity.

BC Hydro’s board has two women out of 10 directors, the BC Securities Commission has parity at four women out of eight commissioners, the BC Oil & Gas Commission has three men total, and the treasury board had three women out of eight members.

With NDP leader John Horgan set to become B.C.’s premier, do you think he should do the same for his cabinet?

* Please note that all poll answers will be publicly viewable, but anonymous.

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