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The Tyee’s Most Read Stories of the Year

In 2022, you pounced on pieces about COVID, ‘rage farming,’ surviving extreme temps and that weird, self-crowned ‘Queen of the World.’

David Beers 30 Dec 2022The Tyee

David Beers is founding editor of The Tyee.

What stories on The Tyee drew the most attention in 2022? We searched our page views two ways to answer that question. First we filtered to find out which stories were most read by just folks in B.C. Then we looked at which stories got the most traffic, period.

Both lists are heavy on coverage of the pandemic and related right-wing upheaval. But B.C. readers, reflecting diverse demand for The Tyee’s regional focus, flocked to pieces about strains on universal health care, Vancouver election coverage, mysterious deaths in the Downtown Eastside, the province’s response to the heat dome, questions about SRO finances, a sharp critique of forestry practices and living poor among well-off Salt Spring Islanders.

Compared to B.C. readers, those across Canada and beyond gave more attention to several Tyee scoops about Alberta politics, an archeological debate, plus a story about Twitter’s unhinged "Queen of the World" and her thousands of followers.

Here are the top 25 most read pieces in each category.


1. Get Ready for the Forever Plague

Public health officials’ COVID complacency has opened the door to new illnesses and devastating long-term damage. By Andrew Nikiforuk

2. ‘I’m Dropping My COVID Hubris,’ Vows a Top Immunologist

After the virus harmed Chris Goodnow’s heart, he joined a growing chorus against reinfection complacency. By Andrew Nikiforuk

3. A Convoy Revved by Foreign Actors Spreading Lies

‘The pandemic proved a huge opportunity for Russian propaganda,’ says one expert. By Andrew Nikiforuk

4. Where Did Convoy Support Come From? Here Are the Maps

Our analysis of hacked donor data, from foreign interference to ‘blessings.’ By Christopher Cheung

5. Who’s Fuelling the Truckers Protesting Vaccine Mandates?

When the convoy left BC Sunday a fundraiser had pulled in $2 million. A key organizer is tied to the Alberta separatist scene. By David Climenhaga

6. How Citizens Should Respond to Omicron

Seven prescriptions for cutting through the confusion to endure the big fifth wave. By Andrew Nikiforuk

7. The Attack on Freeland Sprouts from ‘Rage Farming’

Reached by The Tyee, the bully caught on video echoes messages fomented by right-wing politicians. Expect more threats, says an expert. By Charles Rusnell

8. Don’t Be Fooled by the Great Pandemic Denial

Leaders pretend lifting restrictions is fine. But vaccines alone can’t protect us from spread and harm. By Andrew Nikiforuk

9. The Billionaire and the Mayor

Controversial billionaire Chip Wilson and Vancouver’s new mayor Ken Sim are friends. But do they share the same politics? By Jen St. Denis

10. ‘Forever Plague’: Nikiforuk Responds to Critics

The Tyee writer published a detailed caution against COVID minimizing that went viral and sparked fierce debate. Here’s his response. By Andrew Nikiforuk

11. What If COVID Reinfections Wear Down Our Immunity?

Dr. Anthony Leonardi is a lightning rod for debate. If he’s right, this pandemic poses a greater threat than widely assumed. By Andrew Nikiforuk

12. Inside June’s Deadly Heat Dome. And Surviving the Next One

Hundreds succumbed to scorching temperatures. Why was BC’s toll so much higher than Washington and Oregon? A Tyee special report. By Jen St. Denis

Jennifer Thompson stands against a tree before a house on a residential street.
Jennifer Thompson of New Westminster recounted taking in a woman who feared she’d be a heat dome death statistic if she stayed in her apartment. Tyee reporter Jen St. Denis’s widely read special investigation dove deep into BC’s lacking response to the emergency, and how to prepare better for the next one. Photo by Jennifer Gauthier.

13. The Case of BC’s Missing COVID-19 Data

This story was supposed to be about the virus and work camps. It became about a failing FOI system. By Amanda Follett Hosgood

14. So Many Parties! Your Guide to Vancouver’s Crowded Election

Why have so many political brands emerged and what do they stand for? Read on. By Christopher Cheung

15. Why I Stopped Giving to the Greater Vancouver Food Bank

The problem is older than me, and this Band-Aid solution needs to be replaced by true food security. By Katie Hyslop

16. A Reply to Jordan Peterson’s Pandemic Demands

The famously opinionated psychologist told Canada to open up or else. This response includes some reading advice. By Andrew Nikiforuk

17. My Doctor Dumped Me. Here’s Why That’s So Common

Forced to search for a scarce primary care physician or nurse, I joined 700,000 British Columbians without one. By Mark L. Winston

18. Pierre Poilievre Is a Symptom of the Conservatives’ Sickness

The party remains under the Harperites’ spell — or curse. By Michael Harris

19. If You Want to Live on Salt Spring, You Need to Be Rich

Looking for work and housing, writer Lori Fox spends a summer as a farmhand. An excerpt. By Lori Fox

20. ‘He Was Always with Other Girls, Giving Them Free Drugs’

He died — then two more bodies were found in his SRO room. Now one woman alleges she was drugged and assaulted by Jimmy Pham. By Jen St. Denis

21. Retired Forester Blasts Professional Association in Resignation Letter

‘Unable to see the forest for the timber.’ After 40 years, Herb Hammond says he’s done. By Amanda Follett Hosgood

22. Is Two-Tier Health Care Growing in BC?

Two seniors were told they would need to pay $4,600 each to keep seeing their family doctor after he moved to a Telus clinic. By Andrew MacLeod

23. Sweden’s Deadly COVID Failure

The verdict is in on the nation’s light touch approach. More died. Herd immunity proved a mirage. By Andrew Nikiforuk

24. Review Found Poor Budgeting and Oversight at Major BC Housing Operator

Former BC Housing staff say a 2018 review of Atira Women’s Resource Society was shelved before it could be completed. By Jen St. Denis

25. The N95 Is the Mask We All Should Be Wearing. Here’s Why

Properly worn, it’s vastly superior against Omicron. Say it loud and ramp up its availability. By Colin Furness


1. Get Ready for the Forever Plague

Public health officials’ COVID complacency has opened the door to new illnesses and devastating long-term damage. By Andrew Nikiforuk

2. ‘I’m Dropping My COVID Hubris,’ Vows a Top Immunologist

After the virus harmed Chris Goodnow’s heart, he joined a growing chorus against reinfection complacency. By Andrew Nikiforuk

3. What If COVID Reinfections Wear Down Our Immunity?

Dr. Anthony Leonardi is a lightning rod for debate. If he’s right, this pandemic poses a greater threat than widely assumed. By Andrew Nikiforuk

4. The Attack on Freeland Sprouts from ‘Rage Farming’

Reached by The Tyee, the bully caught on video echoes messages fomented by right-wing politicians. Expect more threats, says an expert. By Charles Rusnell

5. Indigenous People Have Been Here Forever. Why Won’t Archeologists Believe It?

An Indigenous archeologist on how her discipline has shaped the view of the ground beneath our feet. By Crawford Kilian

6. Sweden’s Deadly COVID Failure

The verdict is in on the nation’s light touch approach. More died. Herd immunity proved a mirage. By Andrew Nikiforuk

7. Who’s Fuelling the Truckers Protesting Vaccine Mandates?

When the convoy left BC Sunday a fundraiser had pulled in $2 million. A key organizer is tied to the Alberta separatist scene. By David Climenhaga

8. The Russian Economy Is Headed for Collapse

Putin steered his nation out of one ‘Times of Troubles,’ but it’s now headed into an even deeper ditch. By Eric Werker

9. Is Our Pandemic the Ghost of the 1889 Russian Flu?

The ‘dreaded disease’ that claimed 1.5 million looks a lot like COVID-19, including the long-term threat posed by ‘viral promiscuity.’ By Andrew Nikiforuk

10. Pierre Poilievre Is a Symptom of the Conservatives’ Sickness

The party remains under the Harperites’ spell — or curse. By Michael Harris

An image of suit-clad Pierre Poilievre speaking and gesticulating.
Does Pierre Poilievre’s rise to leader represent a transformation of the Conservative Party of Canada? A highly read column by The Tyee’s Michael Harris saw instead an extension of the Stephen Harper ideological playbook that restricts the party’s prospects. Photo by Adrian Wyld, the Canadian Press.

11. ‘Forever Plague’: Nikiforuk Responds to Critics

The Tyee writer published a detailed caution against COVID minimizing that went viral and sparked fierce debate. Here’s his response. By Andrew Nikiforuk

12. The Opioid Toll, by Neighbourhood, that Alberta Tried to Hide

The Tyee obtained internal Alberta Health ‘heat maps’ of opioid-related emergency calls and deaths in various parts of Edmonton. By Charles Rusnell

13. Ten COVID Facts Health Officials Dangerously Downplay

We should be rallied to defend ourselves and our kids. Our leaders offer timid silence. By Andrew Nikiforuk

14. What People Don’t Get about This Inflation Spike

Rising costs signal the ‘long emergency’ we face after glutting on cheap energy. Part one of two. By Andrew Nikiforuk

15. Jordan Peterson, the Climate Crisis Deniers’ New Mouthpiece

Touting myths to millions is ‘highly irresponsible,’ say experts trying to avert disaster. By Geoff Dembicki

16. A Convoy Revved by Foreign Actors Spreading Lies

‘The pandemic proved a huge opportunity for Russian propaganda,’ says one expert. By Andrew Nikiforuk

17. A Reply to Jordan Peterson’s Pandemic Demands

The famously opinionated psychologist told Canada to open up or else. This response includes some reading advice. By Andrew Nikiforuk

18. Don’t Be Fooled by the Great Pandemic Denial

Leaders pretend lifting restrictions is fine. But vaccines alone can’t protect us from spread and harm. By Andrew Nikiforuk

19. This Is ‘Kenneyism’

How the unpopular premier’s recipe of intimidation, disinformation and sweeping new laws is transforming Alberta’s culture. By Taylor Lambert

20. Where Did Convoy Support Come From? Here Are the Maps

Our analysis of hacked donor data, from foreign interference to ‘blessings.’ By Christopher Cheung

21. Canada Is Giving a Master Class in Eroding Democracy

Witness our two kinds of leaders. One eggs on government overthrow while another proves inept at governing. By Andrew Nikiforuk

22. The Dangerous Delusions of Canada’s ‘Queen of the World’

BC’s Romana Didulo calls for violence and spreads conspiracy theories. She also has 65,000 followers. By Christine Sarteschi

23. How Citizens Should Respond to Omicron

Seven prescriptions for cutting through the confusion to endure the big fifth wave. By Andrew Nikiforuk

24. Inside the Kenney Government’s System of Secrecy

Staff is told to delete emails, use apps and personal phones to avoid scrutiny, insiders reveal. A Tyee investigation. By Charles Rusnell and Jennie Russell

25. Alberta’s ‘World Class’ University Risks Collapse, Says Expert

Leaked minister’s letter shows ‘egregious political interference’ threatening ‘survival’ of Athabasca U, says UT professor. By Charles Rusnell

These are just a few dozen of more than 1,000 original Tyee stories we published in 2022. If you appreciate our coverage and that we keep it paywall free so that everyone can have access to our journalism, please consider becoming a Tyee Builder by contributing our fundraising campaign due to finish on Dec. 31.

Happy holidays, readers. Our comment threads will be closed from Friday, Dec. 23 until Tuesday, Jan. 3 to give our moderators a well-deserved break. See you in 2023!  [Tyee]

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