Politician, broadcaster, advocate, author and contrarian, Rafe Mair made an indelible mark on both the media world and those who fight on behalf of British Columbia’s environment.
In This Series
Five Critical Issues to Consider Before the Province Renews Fish Farm Licences
Aboriginal title, disease risks and lack of DFO regulation of the industry are prime concerns.
Border Agents Temporarily Detain Sea Shepherd Vessel
Agents ask crew questions about biologist and fish farm activist Alexandra Morton.
Secrecy, Inaction and Delay: BC’s Failure to Protect Caribou
Oil and Gas Commission suppressed audit showing industry activity threatens efforts to save species.
Kinder Morgan and the Power of Civil Resistance
Citizens can shine a spotlight on bad laws or draconian consequences. Second of two parts.
Kinder Morgan and the ‘Rule of Law’
Are arguments for the pipeline expansion based on actual respect for legal procedure? Part one of two.
Canadian Taxpayers Held Hostage by Kinder Morgan
Texas-based firm has no intentions of paying for Trans Mountain pipeline expansion on its own.
Marine Harvest Seeks ‘No-Go’ Zone Around Fish Farms
Corporation cites harm from protests; seeks injunction.
Farmed Atlantic Salmon Virus Linked to Disease in Chinook
Research finds farmed salmon virus may cause jaundice/anemia.
Federal Environment Commissioner Gives DFO Failing Grades on Fish Farms
Scathing report cites failure to protect wild salmon.
Facts about Kinder Morgan Canadian Taxpayers Need to Know
Due diligence required before we sink money into a corporation with poor stock performance and repeated legal violations.
Pipeline Expansion: US Refineries Win, Canadians Lose
Forget the talk about Asian markets; Kinder Morgan will enrich US companies.
Why Kinder Morgan’s Pipeline Is DOA
Falling prices and competition from a new Texas export terminal mean Trans Mountain fails the business test.
Deadlock at Pipeline Summit
Horgan to press ahead with court case; Notley, Trudeau pledge pipeline will be built.
Canada’s Bizarre and Destructive Descent into Petro Politics
Kinder Morgan battle brings Trumplandia to our country.
Trudeau’s Smoke and Mirrors on Carbon Tax and Pipeline
Claims that increasing oilsands production will lead to lower emissions simply false.
Trudeau, Notley and Trans Mountain Claims: A Tyee Fact Check
Pipeline politicians’ promises of riches rest on one Kinder Morgan consultant’s report challenged by critics.
How Kinder Morgan Could Make Trudeau a One-Term PM
British Columbians need to let Liberals know their petro-passion will cost them critical seats in next year's election.
Spooked by Quakes, Oklahoma Toughens Fracking Rules
Canadian regulators stick with less stringent regulations despite growing risks from mega-fracking.
Going Beyond Green Buildings to Climate Justice
Student-led town hall sets agenda for climate change and justice in UBC’s future.
DFO’s Plan to Gut Rules Protecting Wild Salmon from Fish Farm Disease
Part two of a series. After court losses, federal government has new strategy to protect industry.
Inside DFO’s Battle to Downplay a Deadly Farmed Salmon Disease
Part one of a series. Provincial lab played key role in denying existence of HSMI in BC.
Site C: What Happens Next?
From expropriation to First Nations lawsuit to political shifts, dam decision brings change.
Sea Lice Epidemic Overwhelms Fish Farms on Clayoquot Sound
Tiny parasite a growing global problem for the industry’s open net pens.