That weirdly grinning, shaven-headed guy all over The Tyee's site. What's up with that? Who the hell is Americanface and why has he moved in and set up shop here day after day? Am I missing something major? And is it too late to catch up?
Those are the kinds of questions we're getting nearly two months since we launched the series. So let's just clear up everything with this, your Americanface primer, update, and guide to getting in on what you may have been missing out on.
What is 'Americanface'?
Americanface is a serialized first person yarn by YouTube genius Andrew Struthers, who tells the story of his random journey from Tofino to Tibet, a true story that's also an allegory for present day geopolitics (if you want to look at it that way) or just a wacked out recounting of a guy going on and off and on and off the rails (if you want to look at it that way, instead).
For the background, you can read The Tyee's interview with Struthers about Americanface.
I notice Struthers writes some words to go along with the videos. What's that about?
It's a mini-essay that adds value to, but isn't necessary to understand, the video itself. Read 'em or not, before or after viewing the accompanying clip.
Seems like there are a lot of episodes.
There are 64 in fact -- if you wish to watch them as we post them one at a time, Monday through Thursday. We're at the halfway point now, having posted 32 episodes with Struthers' text commentary accompanying each one.
Another way to follow the series is by just tuning in every Friday, when The Tyee publishes a compendium of the previous four episodes spliced together. Those are all archived here.
OK, you've got me interested now. Can I catch up?
Yes indeed, and easily. Since each episode is not even two minutes long, and since we handily compile them on Fridays in four-episode chunks, you can catch up quickly by watching all of the story so far. Just click here to go to the entire series in nine compendiums. Total viewing time so far: about the same as two Seinfeld reruns.
I notice there isn't a new one today. What gives?
Andrew Struthers is taking a well deserved break over the holidays and will resume on Monday, Jan. 11. That gives you three weeks to catch up!
Damn, I'm addicted to 'Americanface.' How am I supposed to get my Struthers fix in the meantime?
Andrew has kindly authorized The Tyee to run three shorts he's produced as follow-ups to his all-time YouTube classic "Spiders on Drugs," a take-off on Hinterland's Who's Who that has been viewed well over 20 million times. We'll run one a week, this Wednesday and the two Wednesdays after. Stay tuned!
[Editor's note: the comment section is close for the holidays and will re-open Jan. 4th. Thanks for all your thoughtful commentary this year. Looking forward to more of the same in the next!]
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