Andrew Struthers, the YouTube legend who create Spiders on Drugs, spins his own funny and philosophical yarn, a wacked out journey that leads from Tofino to Tibet. Watch the ground-breaking series from the beginning in four-episode splices.
In This Series
Andrew Struthers Creates a First in Film
His 'Americanface' is 64 YouTube clips that add up to a feature film. Watch his experiment unfold on The Tyee, starting today.
Who Is Americanface and Is It Too Late to Meet Him?
Andrew Struthers' hilarious digital yarn is half over. Here's how to catch up!
Americanface, Episodes 33-36
Second half of the digital yarn begins today, and now unwinds every Monday.
Americanface, Episodes 41-44
The story so far: I have decided to conquer Mount Everest despite my bad back.
Americanface, Episodes 57-60
Story So Far: I'm lost in the jungle, and the mountains, and the snow, all at the same time.