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2010: More Homeless than Athletes?

This series by Monte Paulsen traces reasons for the rise of homelessness in the Vancouver area, scrutinizes the numbers and responses offered by officials, and lays out what experts believe is really necessary to seriously turn the tide before the world arrives for the Olympics in 2010. This series, intended to educate the public, is funded in part by the Tides Canada Foundation.

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In This Series

More Homeless than Athletes in 2010

More Homeless than Athletes in 2010

Can Vancouver's Olympic pride be saved? First in a series.

Monte Paulsen / 28 May 2007

Vancouver's SROs: 'Zero Vacancy'

Vancouver's SROs: 'Zero Vacancy'

Vanishing old hotels were last refuge for most at risk.

Monte Paulsen / 29 May 2007

Homeless to Housed in One Day

Homeless to Housed in One Day

BC's new way of finding people shelter will fail if new housing isn't built.

Monte Paulsen / 1 Jun 2007

Province's Boasts of 'New' Homeless Units Don't Add Up

Province's Boasts of 'New' Homeless Units Don't Add Up

Projects don't replace lost SRO rooms.

Monte Paulsen / 4 Jun 2007

Dobell Homeless Plan Stalled

Dobell Homeless Plan Stalled

Charities-driven housing plan has yet to produce.

Monte Paulsen / 5 Jun 2007

Homeless Solution Up for Vote

Homeless Solution Up for Vote

Vancouver councillors mull 'supportive housing' plan.

Monte Paulsen / 6 Jun 2007

Olympic Partners Said to 'Fudge' Housing Claims

Olympic Partners Said to 'Fudge' Housing Claims

Critics, and a Tyee review, cast doubt on figure of 1,109 'new units.'

Monte Paulsen / 28 Jun 2007

Vancouver Losing SROs Faster than It Can Replace Them

Vancouver Losing SROs Faster than It Can Replace Them

Based on figures in city's own report.

Monte Paulsen / 10 Jul 2007

No New Homes in Premier's Homelessness Plan

No New Homes in Premier's Homelessness Plan

Coleman challenges cities to "step up."

Monte Paulsen / 12 Oct 2007

Coleman 'Committed' to 12 Towers

Coleman 'Committed' to 12 Towers

Housing minister pledges that if Vancouver fast tracks permits, province will provide money to build more than 1,100 new homes.

Monte Paulsen / 9 Nov 2007