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Stay Sharp on Alberta. Sign up for Alberta Edge

The Tyee launches a new free newsletter with fresh reporting and curated must reads. Just in time for the big vote.

David Beers 27 Mar 2023The Tyee

David Beers is founding editor of The Tyee.

Hey Albertans and all who find the Wild Rose province wildly intriguing — we’ve got something new for you. We’re launching Alberta Edge.

What’s that?

It’s a free weekly newsletter straight to your inbox every Friday with original Tyee investigative and solutions reporting on key issues facing the province. Plus a roundup of other outlets’ best work.


First, because readers have encouraged us to expand our Alberta reporting and commentary — from politics to health care to energy to environment — and our work has found a keen audience.

In four years, Tyee readers in Alberta have nearly doubled while our coverage of the province draws lots of attention elsewhere. No doubt, what’s happening in Alberta matters far beyond its borders.

Charles Rusnell and other top reporters

Here are a few exclusive Alberta reports we’ve published just this month:

On the Hot Seat: Alberta Energy Regulator CEO Laurie Pushor

Charles Rusnell reports on the ‘watchdog’ who didn’t bark, leaving a toxic oilsands leak long secret.

It’s a Cover Up, and It’s Very Self-Serving

Charles Rusnell first exposed how Calgary police were conned. Now their own probe into the scandal is panned by pros.

Oilsands Projects Likely Triggered Mysterious Alberta Quakes: New Research

Andrew Nikiforuk reports that after the regulator remained silent on quake cause, a Stanford study nailed the connection.

Why I’m Fighting the Deadly Alberta Drug Model

Euan Thomson, a harm reduction advocate, argues that instead of saving lives, the province pushes unproven for-profit ‘recovery’ businesses.

In addition to veteran, award-winning investigative reporters Charles Rusnell and Andrew Nikiforuk, our regular contributors include Ximena Gonzalez, David Climenhaga, Geoff Dembicki and other top notch journalists with Alberta roots.

They aim to fill a gap you may be feeling in Alberta’s conversation. There’s lots to report on strengthening public health care. Safeguarding the province’s spectacular environment. Transitioning the fossil fuel economy while protecting high-paying jobs. Valuing tolerance and mutual problem-solving over bullying and polarization. Hearing directly from Albertans to understand their real-life realities.

If you want an edge on Alberta’s changemakers, you’ll want to read Alberta Edge.

Signing up for our newsletter will ensure you don’t miss out on Tyee coverage. Plus a bonus. Each edition will include a roundup of the best Alberta journalism of the week by other outlets — must-reads curated by Alberta Edge editor Jacob Boon.

Alberta Edge cuts through the spin

If it seems surprising that The Tyee, with its proud British Columbia roots and continuing commitment to covering B.C. is branching out in this direction, consider ground we found fertile 20 years ago.

The Tyee was founded in 2003 to fill a gap in B.C., and sees the same need for a different approach to journalism in Alberta today.

B.C. had a strongly conservative government, just as Alberta does today. There was a need for an independent publication offering in-depth, inspired journalism that took an alternate approach to the corporate media, clearly allied to the government’s agendas.

That’s even more true in Alberta now, we believe.

And while the non-profit Tyee has values — inclusivity, equity, social and economic opportunity, leaving a livable world for the future — we don’t follow any party line. We’re independent journalists, not advocates.

Here comes an election

We think the timing is perfect to launch Alberta Edge as the province heads towards a critical election in two months. The two contending parties offer dramatically differing visions for the province’s future.

We’re also honouring a commitment. The Tyee is largely reader-funded. As part of our year-end Builder campaign, we gave readers the chance to fund more Alberta coverage — and you contributed generously.

Sign up now for free to be sure to receive the first instalment of Alberta Edge.

We’ll send an email every Friday morning, starting this week, with links to our Alberta coverage and other noteworthy developments in the province — from news stories to studies to political developments. Editor Jacob Boon will introduce each issue with a brief guide to the latest developments.

We won’t share your email address with anyone else. We respect your privacy. And with one click, you’ll be able to unsubscribe.

We don’t think you will though.

Two other requests. Once you get the Alberta Edge, please let us know what you think and any suggestions you have. Jacob is keen to hear from you.

And please share it with anyone you think might find the newsletter useful and interesting. There’s a link in each newsletter that makes that easy. Help us bring the Alberta Edge and Tyee journalism to more people.

Sign up for Alberta Edge.  [Tyee]

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