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BC's Literary World Online: Key Links

The Tyee's rough guide to digital resources for writers (and readers). Please add more!

Crawford Kilian 27 Aug

Crawford Kilian is a contributing editor of The Tyee and the author of 21 published books of fiction and nonfiction.

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Your connections to literary fame?

British Columbia's literary world has flourished for a century or more, and in the last few years it's established a strong online presence. For those who browse the web more than bookstores and library stacks, we offer a handful of links related to publishers, writers, and related websites. And if you think you or your organization deserves a spot here, let us know: [email protected].


Most are in the Association of Book Publishers of British Columbia.

For magazines that offer outlets for short fiction, nonfiction, and poetry: BC Association of Magazine Publishers

Publishers' Blogs

Good to see that many of our publishers are also keeping their readers up to date with more or less regular blogs. Less good to see that many publishers don't seem to be blogging at all.

Arsenalia (Arsenal Pulp Press)

Harbour Publishing

Mother Tongue Talk (Mother Tongue Publishing)

Orca Book Publishers Blog

Meta-Talon (Talon Books)

Raincoast Books Blog

Raincoast Books Kids & Teens Blog

Writers' Blogs and Websites

The only drawback to blogging, for a writer, is that it cuts into the time available for other writing. Then again, that's an attraction, not a drawback. Many of us are blogging up a storm, if only to avoid starting the next chapter.

Sue Ann Alderson

Gail Anderson-Dargatz

bill bissett

Arthur Black

Wendy Bullen: Vancouver Memories: My Year Abroad. An online novel in progress.

Wayde Compton

Douglas Coupland

William Gibson: Great Dismal (Twitter)

Jack Hodgins

June Hutton

Susan Juby

Eileen Kernaghan

Crawford Kilian

Patrick Lane

Jen Sookfong Lee

Mark Leiren-Young

The Golden Mean: A Blog about a Novel about Aristotle - by Annabel Lyon.

Gabor Mate

George McWhirter

Mary Novik

Mark Nykanen

Kit Pearson

Stan Persky

Heather Pringle

Doris Ray

Harold Rhenisch

Spider Robinson

Holley Rubinsky

Paul St. Pierre

Timothy Taylor

Alan Twigg

Janice Wong

Ronald Wright

J. Michael Yates

Book-Related Blogs and Websites

These offer reviews, news, and commentary.

BC Bookworld

January Magazine


Pacific Rim Review of Books

So Misguided

B.C. Literary Agent

Surprisingly, only one agent seems to be based here:

Carolyn Swayze

Little Magazines

They're little in circulation, but a lot of important writers start in these magazines.

The Capilano Review

The Claremont Review

Crow Toes Quarterly




The Malahat Review

Poetry is Dead

Prism International



Sad Mag


Vancouver Review

West Coast Line

Writers' Groups

Who says writing is a solitary business? B.C. writers love to get together.

Federation of BC Writers

Canadian Authors Association, Vancouver Branch

Canadian Authors Association, Victoria and the Islands

Shuswap Association of Writers

The Vicious Circle: Whistler Writers Group Blog: Tongue-lashings from the Vicious Circle

Thursdays Poems and Prose


More evidence that writers are a gregarious crowd.

Denman Island Writers and Readers Festival

Federation of BC Writers

Fernie Writers' Conference

The Kootenay School of Writing

Metchosin International Summer School of the Arts

Powell River Writers Conference

Shuswap Lake International Writers Festival

Surrey Writers' School

Vancouver International Writers & Readers Festival


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