Earlier this year, a special team of Tyee Solutions Society reporters had the chance to spend some time on B.C.'s Central Coast. What they found there was a land and culture that has thrived for thousands of years. These are some of those stories.
Reporting & Editing: Chris Wood
Reporting: Jude Isabella
Video reporting: Kai Nagata
Video reporting: Stephanie Brown
This reporting was produced by Tyee Solutions Society in collaboration with Tides Canada Initiatives (TCI). TCI neither influences nor endorses the particular content of TSS' reporting. Other publications wishing to publish this story or other Tyee Solutions Society-produced articles, please see this website for contacts and information.
In This Series
BC's Enduring Central Coast
A natural gem. A cradle of civilization. Today's voices. Tomorrow's promise. First in a series of reports from Tyee Solutions Society.
VIDEO: Bringing the Ancestors Home
Four decades ago archaeologists took these human remains. Last year, the Heiltsuk brought them home. A report from BC's Enduring Coast.
Sifting Evidence with BC's Ancient Civilization Sleuths
For people roaming 10,000 years ago, the Central Coast was a great place to settle down, as excited researchers are proving. Part of a series.
VIDEO: Stone Fish Traps Explained
Heiltsuk archaeologist Elroy White on how an ancient technology worked. A video report from BC's Enduring Coast.
Ghosts Towns and Living Defenders: A Coastal Timeline
Scroll through hundreds of years of human drama along BC's Central Coast. Part of this week's series.
Hakai Beach Institute: A Science Hub for BC's Central Coast
Calvert Island may seem remote, but it's where research opportunities abound.
Coastal People's Past Powers Their Political Future
Here from 'the beginning,' First Nations press for central role developing BC's Central Coast.
On BC's Central Coast, the Way Forward
Investments in people and their heritage are producing a different sort of modern economy in Bella Bella. Our series concludes.
VIDEO: Bella Bella's Revitalized Fish Plant
Recently reopened, the processing centre taps into the coastal abundance and hints at a resilient future. A report on the future of BC's Enduring Central Coast.