Reader funded.

Rough Weather Ahead

Rough Weather Ahead

In this special series funded by a Tyee Fellowship for Investigative Reporting, veteran science journalist Chris Wood reports on how global warming threatens to harm British Columbia's environment, economy and way of life -- and what can be done to minimize the damage.

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In This Series

Fraser River Will Surge over Dikes, Experts Find

Fraser River Will Surge over Dikes, Experts Find

Study predicts 'multiple dike failures.' But government has cut warning system.

Chris Wood / 10 Aug 2006

The Coming Catastrophe

The Coming Catastrophe

Fail to fortify Fraser dikes, and BC could wake up to a weather nightmare.

Chris Wood / 10 Aug 2006

'Rough Weather Ahead': A Reader-funded Exposé

'Rough Weather Ahead': A Reader-funded Exposé

You who gave made possible Chris Wood's powerful series on global warming and BC.

David Beers / 10 Aug 2006

Drying up the Okanagan

Drying up the Okanagan

Thirsty region is 'canary in coal mine' for BC and water.

Chris Wood / 17 Aug 2006

Pumping Blind

Pumping Blind

Experts say we're recklessly draining BC's groundwater, heedless of global warming.

Chris Wood / 24 Aug 2006

Global Warming's Threat to BC: Seeking Solutions

Global Warming's Threat to BC: Seeking Solutions

Floods and droughts on the radar. Can we adapt?

Chris Wood / 31 Aug 2006