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Wake up, Vancouver!

Wake up, Vancouver!

'Dialogue of Cities' aims to deliver creative jolt.

Charles Montgomery / 30 May 2006

'If One Meets an Architect, Slap Him'

'If One Meets an Architect, Slap Him'

Cities, slums and 'The Sketches of Frank Gehry.'

Dorothy Woodend / 9 Jun 2006

Suburbia's Worst Enemy

Suburbia's Worst Enemy

Peak oil doomsayer James Howard Kunstler on the mega-impact here.

Charles Montgomery / 12 Jun 2006

Inside the World Urban Forum

Inside the World Urban Forum

DAY THREE: Poorer nations suffer for our excesses.

Charles Montgomery / 21 Jun 2006

The Myth of Dense Vancouver

The Myth of Dense Vancouver

Stats show city isn't countering flight to suburbs.

Lance Berelowitz / 21 Jun 2006

The Mayor Who Wowed the World Urban Forum

The Mayor Who Wowed the World Urban Forum

Bogota's Enrique Peñalosa's happy 'war on cars.'

Charles Montgomery / 23 Jun 2006