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This July, Explore New Paths in West Coast Modernism

Come celebrate the 30th anniversary of the West Vancouver Art Museum with their annual architectural event.

West Vancouver Art Museum 2 Jul 2024The Tyee

This week, the West Vancouver Art Museum team are busy preparing for the third annual West Coast Modern Week. Presented by British Pacific Properties Ltd. and Livingspace, the event runs Tuesday, July 9 to Sunday, July 14.

West Coast Modernism is a unique architectural style with deep roots in West Vancouver. The stunning mountains, beautiful beaches and verdant rainforests that make up the region's natural landscape pose challenges and opportunities that are reflected in the local architecture.

Since the art museum launched its annual Modern Home Tour in 2006, more than 65 exceptional architectural works in the community have been showcased, ranging in design from mid-century to contemporary.

This year the team is thrilled to continue the tradition by offering a rich and varied lineup of events, including lectures, panels, musical performances, exhibitions and our ever-popular West Coast Modern Home Tour. Tickets are available on the West Vancouver Art Museum website.

This year also holds special significance as the museum commemorates its 30th anniversary. Celebrating this milestone, the art museum is recognizing its pivotal role in enriching the region’s cultural landscape and fostering an appreciation of diverse forms of contemporary and historical art, design and architecture for the past 30 years in the community.

See the full roster of events, get more information and purchase tickets on the West Vancouver Art Museum’s website.  [Tyee]

Read more: Urban Planning

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