Reader funded.

Your Issues, Your Donations -- 2011

Your Issues, Your Donations -- 2011
Campaign results as of July 13.

Faced with a provincial election that could be called any time and an always lean editorial budget to cover it, we had this crazy idea. Why don't we ask our readers what issues they want us to cover, and then ask them to donate to that cause?

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In This Series

BC's Big Election Is Coming, Help Tyee Cover It Best

BC's Big Election Is Coming, Help Tyee Cover It Best

What's your key issue? Tell us. Donate. And we'll send a skilled reporter to get the stories.

David Beers / 4 Jul 2011

Tyee Election Fund: Halfway There Already!

Tyee Election Fund: Halfway There Already!

Thanks to those who gave, we're at $5000. If you haven't, please tell us your top issues, and donate.

Shannon Smart / 8 Jul 2011

Your Top Issues, So Far

Your Top Issues, So Far

Our election reporting fundraiser is halfway there. Here's what the first wave of donors want targeted by Tyee reporters.

Shannon Smart / 11 Jul 2011

Join the Revolution!

Join the Revolution!

With the Tyee Election Fundraiser ending Monday, will education, health care and homelessness come in last? Grab a torch!

Geoff D'Auria and Shannon Smart / 14 Jul 2011