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Disturbing the Peace: The Case Against the Site C Dam

Disturbing the Peace: The Case Against the Site C Dam
The Peace River near Fort St. John, BC. Photo shared by Gerry under a Creative Commons license.

Max Fawcett, who served as a newspaper editor at the Chetwynd Echo in the Peace River area of British Columbia slated to be flooded if the Site C Dam project is approved this spring, interviews project opponents, sifts the government's claims, and lays out a dam-free alternative for the region. Five parts.

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In This Series

The Case against the Site C Dam

The Case against the Site C Dam

A reporter's Peace River journey against a powerful current of dubious assumptions and official spin. First of five parts this week.

Max Fawcett / 5 Apr 2010

Site C Would Drown a Vital BC Breadbasket

Site C Would Drown a Vital BC Breadbasket

The mega-project would wipe out one of the province's most fertile food producing valleys. Second of five.

Max Fawcett / 6 Apr 2010

Peace Could Create Plenty of Green Energy Without Site C

Peace Could Create Plenty of Green Energy Without Site C

Why kill a valley when its region is rich in wind and geothermal energy?

Max Fawcett / 7 Apr 2010

The Myth of a Power-Starved BC

The Myth of a Power-Starved BC

'Run of river' energy plus Site C? Does BC really need so much electricity or have our politicians gone dam crazy? Four of five.

Max Fawcett / 8 Apr 2010

Must the 'Big Smoke' Always Get Its Way?

Must the 'Big Smoke' Always Get Its Way?

Site C as bully politics. Rural citizens are sick of seeing what they love ruined to satisfy ungrateful urbanites. Last of five.

Max Fawcett / 9 Apr 2010