In this special series funded by a Tyee Fellowship for Solutions Reporting, award winning writer Sandra Shields reports on how Aboriginals and non-natives are working out new relationships -- and grappling with old injustices -- in classrooms, timber forests, and negotiating rooms of the Fraser Valley. Tyee Fellowships for Investigative and Solutions-oriented Reporting are supported by donations from Tyee readers and are intended to support independent journalism to educate the public about critical issues facing British Columbia. If you are interested in making a tax-deductible donation, please go here.
In This Series
Long Road to a Treaty
In 1867, the BC government reduced Stó:lō reserves by 92 per cent without Stó:lō consent. Justice today?
Reconciling with First Nations: A Reader-funded Solutions Series
You made possible Sandra Shields' hopeful look at the 'New Relationship' in her community.