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CONTEST: Win East Van Panto Tickets and Dinner from The Cultch

One lucky reader will get two tickets to ‘Beauty and the Beast’ and a gift certificate for Caffè La Tana.

The Cultch 17 Oct 2023The Tyee

The Cultch and Theatre Replacement’s East Van Panto has delighted Vancouver audiences for over a decade. Well-known stories like The Little Mermaid, Alice in Wonderland and Pinocchio have all received the panto treatment — upending classic tales and bringing magic, music and inspired goofiness to local neighbourhoods.

This year, things get hairy with East Van Panto: Beauty and the Beast. Live performances at The Cultch’s York Theatre begin Nov. 22 and stream online from Dec. 18 to Jan. 7.

Our story begins with a curse that transforms a corner of Venables Street into an enchanted kingdom. A bright girl named Belle has big dreams for her neighbourhood. But when she is imprisoned in an enchanted grocery store by a strangely familiar beast, she must do everything she can to escape whilst teaming up with her new friends, a group of singing sushi. Together, they work to break the curse before the last cherry blossom falls.

“We wanted to go deep East Van, not the obvious… but the off-the-beaten-path institutions, places and creatures that inhabit our neighbourhood,” says Christine Quintana, co-writer of Beauty and the Beast, along with Jivesh Parasram.

“This year’s panto leans heavily into the absurd in a way that has made me very happy,” says returning panto composer Veda Hille. “There’s something so deeply central about laughing together as a community, singing songs and being silly. It’s a gift for all of us.”

The 11th East Van Panto welcomes new panto playwrights Parasram and Quintana and returning panto director Anita Rochon (Snow White and Little Red Riding Hood) with music by panto composer extraordinaire Veda Hille. The cast includes well-known Vancouver stars, including new and returning performers: Steffanie Davis, Munish Sharma, Jason Sakaki, Mark Chavez, Maiko Yamamoto, Veda Hille, Barry Mirochnick and Mishelle Cuttler.

The East Van Panto has earned countless rave reviews over the years, with the Vancouver Sun calling it “funny, imaginative and exhilarating” and the Globe and Mail calling it “the silliest, most wonderful of traditions.” But the biggest praise is the hundreds of Vancouverites who return year after year.

Don’t miss this hilarious and heartwarming holiday tale with unforgettable characters and pop song parodies! One lucky Tyee reader will win two tickets to East Van Panto: Beauty and the Beast at The Cultch’s York Theatre and a $100 gift certificate for Caffè La Tana. Enter to win below, and see showtimes and purchase tickets at The Cultch website.

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About The Cultch + Caffè La Tana

The Cultch is Vancouver’s most diverse and innovative arts and cultural hub — presenting contemporary theatre, dance, circus, music, visual art and innovative livestreams.

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Caffè La Tana is an intimate affair, offering a menu of plates and pasta to share and an all-Italian wine list and cocktails, grappa and amari to start, finish and make the most of the evening.

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