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Vancouver’s Beloved Holiday Theatre Tradition Returns

Join the East Van Panto for a local spin on ‘Alice in Wonderland’ this festive season.

The Cultch 8 Nov

The Cultch and Theatre Replacement are delighted to invite audiences back to the York Theatre to take part in Vancouver’s most cherished and decidedly curious holiday tradition. This year, East Van Panto will be taking a trip down the rabbit hole with a zany, family-friendly take on Alice in Wonderland.

Travel with Alice as she follows the White Rabbit onto the SkyTrain and into a topsy-turvy version of East Vancouver. Audiences can expect to meet some odd characters, including transit police officers Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum, a busking Cheshire Cat and the ruthless online mega-store owner, the Queen of Hearts. Packed with pop-song parodies and Vancouver faces and places, the East Van Panto will have the whole family in hysterics!

Writer Sonja Bennett and director Meg Roe join experienced and celebrated Panto composer Veda Hille to transform Lewis Carroll’s classic tale into a highly original production. “Reimagining Alice in Wonderland as a holiday-musical-comedy-political-satire has been stupidly fun,” says Bennett. “Collaborating with Meg and Veda on this ridiculously joyful creative venture has been a career highlight. They are both geniuses. I’m so excited for the world to see what we’ve cooked up.”

Now in its ninth year, this performance will welcome back longtime Panto favourites Dawn Petten, Amanda Sum, Raugi Yu and Mark Chavez, as well as Panto newcomer, Ghazal Azarbad. Ben Elliott will provide musical direction with music by Veda Hille.

Past performances have earned rave reviews from theatre critics, but the biggest endorsement is the many families who have made the East Van Panto an unmissable part of their holiday season.

“The Cultch team is beyond excited to do the East Van Panto live and in person this year,” says the Cultch’s executive director Heather Redfern.

While most Panto fans will be thrilled to attend in person once again, there is still the option to watch from the comfort of home after the success of last year’s online run. “Our audience told us just how much they loved being able to share their favourite holiday tradition with their friends and families far and wide, so online is becoming another facet of the East Van Panto tradition.

“We are so lucky to be able to share this holiday treat with those we love.”

For tickets and showtimes, visit the Cultch website.  [Tyee]

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