The Tyee turned 20 last year and we’re looking forward to many more years celebrating great independent journalism.
Since our first stories were published in 2003, we’ve been focused on giving readers the independent, quality news they deserve while publishing a diverse range of viewpoints and perspectives.
We’re also transparent and accountable with the public about our operations and finances.
And we’re dedicated to solutions journalism, which goes beyond addressing the dominant challenges of our era and focuses on how people are beginning to solve them. Solutions journalism takes a different tack from usual coverage and asks: “Who’s showing the way?”
Like our recently launched What Works section, which zeroes in on enterprises that are low carbon and locally resilient in our bioregion — from B.C. to southern Alaska to northern California.
Since launching in November, What Works has covered reinventing construction with mass timber, the importance of eelgrass in Pacific coastal ecosystems, and how food co-ops and food waste diversion are serving local communities.
Journalism in Canada may have seen a hard year in 2023, but with your support, we’re able to keep flourishing. With this in mind, we want to ask:
What do you value most about independent journalism?
* Please note that all poll answers will be publicly viewable, but anonymous.
Please note that Tyee Barometer polls are only intended as a quick and engaging non-scientific snapshot of our readers' opinions on various topics that fit with The Tyee's very broad editorial mandate. They are not intended to be seen as a representative sampling of BC opinion.