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Coronavirus Curated: Top Links for March 20

Articles and videos about COVID-19 recommended by The Tyee.

Tyee Staff 20 Mar

Here’s today’s list gathered for you by the Tyee team. We’ll be back with another on Monday. Suggest your own links in the comments.

Now epidemic researchers are saying…

“Looks like we will be here for a long time, not a good time,” deduces Tyee reporter Katie Hyslop

Months of School Closures, Social Distancing Needed to Fight Pandemic: U of T Research
(Toronto Star)

Don’t fight anyone over sanitizer…

“We’ve heard everyone from health authorities to our mothers implore us to wash our hands during this pandemic. Here’s why,” says assistant editor Olamide Olaniyan.

How Soap Kills the Coronavirus

Among COVID-19’s many ripple effects…

“People experiencing homelessness in Los Angeles are feeling neglected during the pandemic,” says Katie Hyslop, “so some, including families with children, are taking matters into their own hands by taking over vacant public housing.”

Citing Coronavirus, Homeless Families Seize 12 Vacant Homes in L.A.: ‘We Have to Do This’
(Los Angeles Times)

There are good reasons to ask…

Cases supposedly are way down there, but Tyee contributing editor Andrew Nikiforuk finds this an “important story.”

Terry Glavin: Propaganda Is Flourishing amid the COVID-19 Pandemic
(National Post)

And if you needed any more reason to ask…

Tyee reader Cam Sylvester sends this short video indictment.

Trump’s Coronavirus Calendar

Here’s one solid place to…

CNN has gathered together informative links. There are many, but they are well organized and hey, it’s the weekend.

Here's a list of articles explaining the coronavirus pandemic

Take care, be a good citizen, and keep checking in on The Tyee’s own coverage. We’re posting new stories throughout the day.

And if you haven’t subscribed to The Tyee’s free daily email, it’s easy to do, and a great way to keep up with our increased coverage.  [Tyee]

Read more: Health, Coronavirus

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