Reader funded.

Frequently Asked Questions


What is the difference between all your newsletters?

We offer several different email newsletters, all of which deliver Tyee stories straight to your inbox, for free.

Note: You only need to sign up for one newsletter. The weekly and daily contain the same stories and the national and Alberta are a selection of those stories.

I want to sign up for a newsletter. How do I do that?

How do I manage my newsletters?

At the end of each newsletter that is sent to your email, you will find the following, personalized links:

To change your newsletter settings

To Unsubscribe:

Your builder contributions

How do I manage my builder contribution level?

You can log in to your account online at any time to increase or cancel your contributions by visiting

Technical Support

I keep getting an email subscription pop-up ad that I find annoying. How do I stop it?

Our pop-up relies on “cookies” to tell us that you have already seen and declined the offer. It should only show once in several months if you were visiting with the same browser (on the same device) with cookies enabled. Apologies if you are someone who prefers not to store cookies, we don’t have another way of verifying if you have already declined, but it should only show once per session in any case.

If you visit our site by clicking a link in a newsletter, the pop-up ad should not display.