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Join The Tyee in Victoria This Wednesday

We’re celebrating the launch of our new book, ‘Points of Interest.’ It’s free and you’re invited!

Tyee Staff 20 May 2024The Tyee

Thanks to your support and interest, The Tyee’s Points of Interest anthology, out now from Greystone Books, is celebrating its fourth week on the BC Bestseller list.

In April, we launched the book with a very special event in Vancouver, featuring readings by Dorothy Woodend, Christopher Cheung, andrea bennett and J.B. MacKinnon — as well as some impromptu stories from you, our readers. It was a blast! Check it out below.

WATCH: Catch some highlights from The Tyee’s Points of Interest book launch party. Video for The Tyee by Quinn Kelly.

It was so great to meet our readers and supporters in person, all while sharing intimate, insightful and funny anecdotes from across the province we call home.

So great, in fact, that this Wednesday we’re doing it all again in Victoria!

Tom Hawthorn and Tim B. Rogers will read from their essays, which are situated in and near southern Vancouver Island. Michael John Lo will read from his piece set in Cumberland, Tyee senior editor andrea bennett will read from their piece set on Lasqueti Island, and Ian Gill will read from his piece, set in the Chilcotin. Managing editor Tara Campbell, who is based in Victoria, will host.

The event will take place at Caffe Fantastico’s flagship roastery location in Quadra Village. Attendance is free, but spots are filling up fast. RSVP to let us know you’re coming — and come early to order food and drinks from Caffe Fantastico’s tasty menu.

Event details:

Victoria Points of Interest Book Launch
Wednesday, May 22, 2024
Caffe Fantastico, 965 Kings Rd., Victoria
Doors at 6 p.m., remarks and readings at 6:45 p.m.
Free entry, books available for purchase

Register now.

Russell Books will have books available for purchase.

Tyee staffers at a merchandise table, with a large poster of the 'Points of Interest' cover behind them.
Join us for readings, drinks and snacks — or just to say hello!

More about ‘Points of Interest’

More than a visitor’s guide to the region, this new anthology of 30 essays and articles is “an insider’s guide to the hot spots, bright spots and dark corners of B.C., a place that never fails to surprise,” says acclaimed author John Vaillant.

Featuring the distinct perspectives of some of the region’s most celebrated writers, these essays run the gamut: take the 100-Mile Diet north with J.B. MacKinnon and Alisa Smith; discover the truth about blueberry picking in Abbotsford with Harrison Mooney; learn how seagulls on Granville Island are controlled using raptors with Michelle Cyca; and unearth the fate of Cumberland’s early Chinese community with Michael John Lo.

Edited by The Tyee’s founding editor David Beers and senior editor andrea bennett, Points of Interest includes pieces by many regular contributors to The Tyee, including Steve Burgess, Christopher Cheung, Amanda Follett Hosgood, Andrew Nikiforuk and Dorothy Woodend.

Help us celebrate Points of Interest in Victoria and leave with a copy tucked in your bag, fellow travellers.

See you Wednesday!  [Tyee]

Read more: Books, Media

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