The Vancouver Art Gallery mounted a groundbreaking exhibit title WE:Vancouver: 12 Manifestos for the City, running from Feb. 12 to May 1, 2011. The show, says the VAG website, "includes the work of more than 40 Vancouver-based cultural producers" whose "impact on our perception of the city is broad and opens up alternate models for living and new possibilities for thinking about this place." This occasional series highlights a handful of the people and groups featured in the exhibit, including The Tyee itself.
In This Series
Why Is The Tyee in the Vancouver Art Gallery?
We were selected to be part of the 'WE: Vancouver' exhibit. And to explain our idea for better journalism.
Education Without Barriers: The 'Hum' Success Story
In Vancouver's Downtown Eastside, students bring rich perspectives to the study of university-level humanities.
'Digital Natives'
Between ads for beer and pop music, an electronic billboard in Vancouver beams challenging messages by and about First Nations.
The Three Times a Day Manifesto
A 17-point exhortation to local food consciousness, from the authors of 'The 100-Mile Diet.'