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Do You Think Free Contraception Should Be Available Across Canada?

B.C. recently announced that it will be extending free prescription contraception across the province starting April 1. Pharmacists will be able to issue prescriptions directly starting in May, alleviating some of the burden on primary care.

Finance Minister Katrine Conroy introduced the decision in the legislature by saying that the move further supported the fundamental right of being in control of one’s own reproductive health in B.C.

B.C. is the first province in Canada to fully fund such a program, and the 2023 budget proposes $119 million over three years to alleviate the cost from those covered by MSP. A study by Options for Sexual Health has suggested this program could save the province up to $95 million a year in health-care costs from unwanted pregnancy and reproductive health issues.

Some are hoping the decision will lead the way for other provinces to move towards free contraception. With this in mind, we want to ask:

Do you think free contraception should be available across Canada?

* Please note that all poll answers will be publicly viewable, but anonymous.

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Please note that Tyee Barometer polls are only intended as a quick and engaging non-scientific snapshot of our readers' opinions on various topics that fit with The Tyee's very broad editorial mandate. They are not intended to be seen as a representative sampling of BC opinion.

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