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Tyee Poll: Are You Better Off Now, after Four Years of Trudeau’s Liberals?

With a federal election coming this fall, our legislative bureau chief Andrew MacLeod took a close look at the promise Justin Trudeau’s Liberal government made to invest in the average Canadian family — lowering taxes on the middle class, while raising taxes on the one per cent — and whether the government achieved that promise in its first term. How did the Liberals do? Depends on who you ask.

The finance ministry argues that there has been real progress on this front since the government formed in 2015. Statistics Canada shows gains, albeit small. Bank of Canada officials say wage growth has fallen short of expectations. Just 17 per cent of Canadians felt that their standard of living was better this year than it had been a year ago, according to a poll from the Angus Reid Institute.

At the second leaders’ debate of the 2015 federal election, Trudeau asked: “Are you better off now than you were 10 years ago when Stephen Harper became prime minister? Is our country better off? Do you have better job prospects? Do you have confidence that your kids have a brighter future?” This year, Canadians will be asking the same of him.

We’re wondering what you think: Do you feel better off after four years of the Trudeau Liberals?

* Please note that all poll answers will be publicly viewable, but anonymous.

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