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Steal This Idea!

Steal This Idea!
Image shared by Bruce Clay under a Creative Commons license.

Environmental consultant Ruben Anderson shares practical solutions for greening our world.

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In This Series

We Can Be Garbage Free

We Can Be Garbage Free

Trash is a choice. Time for 'Cradle to Cradle' design.

Ruben Anderson / 28 Nov 2007

New Wine in Old Bottles

New Wine in Old Bottles

We do it with beer. Why not vino?

Ruben Anderson / 11 Mar 2008

Let's Pave Streets Green

Let's Pave Streets Green

Would you give up your extra parking spot for a garden plot?

Ruben Anderson / 26 Mar 2008

The 50-Million-Tree Slurp

The 50-Million-Tree Slurp

Hey coffee drinker, isn't it time you started mugging it up?

Ruben Anderson / 30 Apr 2008

Let's Claim Our Rotting Riches

Let's Claim Our Rotting Riches

A truly cool city would feature a short stroll to the local worm bin.

Ruben Anderson / 10 Jul 2008