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Green Buildings That Pay Off

Green Buildings That Pay Off

Green building saves money and creates jobs. It's also the simplest way for communities to lower dependency on fossil fuels and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

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In This Series

Five Myths About Green Building

Five Myths About Green Building

Green doesn't have to mean expensive, exotic or uncomfortable. First in a series.

Monte Paulsen / 6 Jan 2011

Green Homes For Less

Green Homes For Less

Three affordable homes that could change that way you think about green building. Second in a series.

Monte Paulsen / 7 Jan 2011

How Do They Decide a Building Is 'Green'?

How Do They Decide a Building Is 'Green'?

The Tyee Guide to green building certification systems in Canada. Third in a series.

Monte Paulsen / 11 Jan 2011

Building Jobs By Tearing Down Houses the Green Way

Building Jobs By Tearing Down Houses the Green Way

Vancouver aims to boost a new employment sector: recycling buildings.

Colleen Kimmett / 18 Jan 2011

Step Inside the Real Home of the Future: Passivhaus

Step Inside the Real Home of the Future: Passivhaus

Canadians helped invent a house so efficient you could heat it with a hair dryer. Then we forgot about it. First of three parts.

Monte Paulsen / 25 Jan 2011

In Snowy Whistler, a House with No Furnace

In Snowy Whistler, a House with No Furnace

Canada's first Passivhaus points to the future of green building with wood. Second of three parts.

Monte Paulsen / 26 Jan 2011

Low-Energy Homes Mean Thousands of New Jobs

Low-Energy Homes Mean Thousands of New Jobs

In Europe, that is, where Passivhaus principles are going into building codes. Could B.C. do it?

Monte Paulsen / 27 Jan 2011

How Green School Buildings Help Children Grow

How Green School Buildings Help Children Grow

Students and teachers are more healthy and productive in sustainably-built schools, research shows.

Katie Hyslop / 9 Feb 2011

How to Design a Building that Restores the Earth

How to Design a Building that Restores the Earth

UBC's Centre for Interactive Research on Sustainability aims to set a new North American standard by actually benefitting the environment.

Katie Hyslop / 28 Mar 2011

A Smarter Way to Help You Pay for Greening Your Home

A Smarter Way to Help You Pay for Greening Your Home

On-bill financing is making energy saving upgrades more affordable in the US. And soon here?

Colleen Kimmett / 31 Mar 2011

Greening Homes Can Be Big Boost to Economy

Greening Homes Can Be Big Boost to Economy

As U.S. programs show, Canada could 'win-win-win' by doing more to help homeowners retrofit.

Colleen Kimmett / 1 Apr 2011

How Many 'Miles-per-Gallon' Does Your House Get?

How Many 'Miles-per-Gallon' Does Your House Get?

Home buyers deserve labels revealing future utility costs, say efficient building advocates.

Colleen Kimmett / 20 Sep 2011

Building Green from the Ground Up

Building Green from the Ground Up

We asked experts how to make true sustainability the norm. Here's what they told us. Last in a Tyee Solutions Society series.

Colleen Kimmett / 21 Sep 2011