Claude Adams
Claude Adams is a freelance writer and video journalist.
Stories by Claude Adams
Death in Solitary
Isolated until crazed and paranoid, Chris Roy took his life. Or did we?
Who Will Mourn This Journalist's Death?
Captured by Taliban, Beverley Giesbrecht got little press because she was no simple story.
'Journalists, Don't Shut up!' A Mexican Refugee's Plea
Luis Horacio Najera, who dodged death in Ciudad Juarez as a top reporter, now survives cleaning toilets in Canada.
A Guest at the Alcoholics Anonymous Roundup
What the people of Esketemc know about battling addiction.
A Combat Doctor's True Duty
Dr. Kevin Patterson was judged unethical for publishing a dying Canadian soldier's identity. Did he not serve a greater good?
Our Legacy of Shame in Haiti
Island is worse off without Aristide, and Canada shares blame.
Are We Aiding a Brutal Censor?
The media experts we send to Rwanda: teachers or tools?
Blood on the Lens
Take cover from online interactive war reporting.