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Tyee Poll: How Can We Stop Meeting Like This?

We’ve had lots of reaction since publishing Malabika Pramanik’s analysis on the stomach-dropping tally of air travel emissions from academic conferences.

Pramanik looked at a study by UBC geography’s Seth Wynes and Simon Donner which showed air travel emissions at UBC from professional travel total 26,333 to 31,685 tonnes of carbon dioxide emission each year. That equals up to three quarters of the total annual emissions from the Vancouver campus. “The emissions per UBC traveller in this study are equivalent to 10 to 13 per cent of the greenhouse gas footprint of the average Canadian — and 16 to 21 per cent the emissions of the average B.C. resident.”

Another article found travel to a single meeting can generate about 11,000 tonnes of CO2. Pramanik argues the academic community needs to change its travel habits, fast.

While scholars tweeted, Tyee staff pondered: what changes are we willing to make?

Teen climate activist Greta Thunberg has opted to cut down on her emissions by sailing to climate summits across the Atlantic on a race boat.

What do you think? Are you willing to adjust your travel for the sake of the climate? If so, how?

* Please note that all poll answers will be publicly viewable, but anonymous.

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Please note that Tyee Barometer polls are only intended as a quick and engaging non-scientific snapshot of our readers' opinions on various topics that fit with The Tyee's very broad editorial mandate. They are not intended to be seen as a representative sampling of BC opinion.

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